
Quiet Stormy Night

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Greg looked out on the storm engulfing Corimanth. Being a port city, it had to contend with numerous storms rolling in, usch as this, unimaginatively called 'sea storms'. They were not as powerful as hurricanes, but were fully capable of killing anyone wandering around outside, yet only made buildings sway and dislodged roof tiles.
Being a Visionier, Greg had foreseen this event and warned the major of the city, known as Trevor McArnold.
Trevor was a black human, and one whom saw anthros as equals, and deeply respected the Heroes of Corimanth. When others complained of him taking Greg's advice and not theirs, he had to lie through his teeth not let slip that Greg was a Visionier, sometimes in Greg's hearing. Always after though, he profusely apologised, making him a reliable and trustworthy friend for the Heroes.
Lightning shot brightly through the inky night, thunder rumbling like battlefield drums, whilst the wind made the rain lash savagely against the house. It would be a long and noisy night.
Just as he was about to retire, Greg heard his bedroom door open. He glanced around, spotting a nervous and timid looking tribrid.
"S..." He was unable to keep the note of anxiety out of his soft voice. The only times she would enter his room at night was for distress, depression, nightmares or an emergency in the city. He searched her face, looking for the reason.
Suddenly, lightning flashed, the wind slammed the building and the thunder roared; Greg noticed SR visibly flinched, blue eyes sparkling with moist tears.
"It's so loud and scary..." She sniffed, Greg immediately understanding; she was depressed, seeking comfort.
"Come here, babe." The hybrid swept her into his embrace, holding her close to the warmth and security of his breast. She quickly huddled close, seeking it's safety and reassurance.
"Can I sleep with you?" The young anthro asked softly, looking up into his green eyes.
Greg paused a second, looking down at the pyjamas they were wearing. His were a sombre black top and trousers, whilst hers were a sweet pale blue, with a sleepy white cat on the short-sleeved top and pink pawprints on the trousers.
"Of course," Greg smiled, "which side?"
"Wall side." As SR got in, she pressed herself against the walls much as her body could cope with, giving Greg as much space as she could. Saddened to see her do this, though it was not uncommon behaviour when she was upset, Greg reached over to her and pulling her away from the wall and close to him, to give her comfort.
The storm continued to it's rage like some terrible monster, roaring and throwing sheets of ice cold rain hissing against the windows.
but now it was scarcely noticeable, as the feeling of serenity and peace washed over the couple. Her warmth and the feel of her in his arms soothed Greg, making him smile, and run a hand over her white cheek fur.
"Love you." She whispered, loud enough to be heard, quiet enough to be shy.
"Love you too, beautiful." Greg cooed back, running a hand through the fur on her head. It was short and soft, developed for warm climates. Greg's was slightly thicker than her's, resulting his pet nickname 'Fluffy', thanks to SR. Not that he minded, of course.
It didn't take long for sleep to start tugging at his eyes. Greg gazed at his girlfriend, seeing that she was already asleep. Tenderly, he whispered a goodnight, kissing her cheek. A grin appeared on her lips as he discovered she was feigning it, her blue eyes now dry of tears.
"Thank you, love." She said, smiling.
"You're oh so welcome." He chuckled, grinning despite his eyelids drooping at half mast.
"Goodnight, sweetheart." SR murmured, settling down again.
"'Night, cutie." Greg yawned back, laying his head on the pillow, and letting himself drift off.
It was a dreamless slumber, the rampaging storm meaning nothing. Not even the prophetic dreams that Greg usually dared disturb him, not while he slept beside the woman of his dreams.
And of SR? Her dreams were meaningless tales of silliness, more rich than the oldest novels, yet she would remember nothing. In her sleep, she reached out and felt him, her mind briefly registering him as her 'guardian', before the dreams resumed.
Ah, here's the drabble I wrote when I was at Bruges, despite the idea being in my head for ages.

Yes, another SR/Greg romance, if you don't like, there is a back button you know, you can go and find something better to view.

Also, not matured at all because nothing happens. Boy+Girl+Bed=/=Sex. I know you, must of you will understand, but if I don't put that there someone will whine and moan.

SR is mine, Greg is Greg's. Next!
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